Ready to grab some awesome bullet journal cleaning spreads and organize your cleaning schedule once and for all?
This post contains the ultimate tips and tricks on how to create a cleaning schedule in order to keep your house clean.
So if you:
- feel unmotivated because you hate cleaning
- procrastinate because you don’t know where to start
- want a schedule so you don’t spend your entire weekend cleaning
- struggle with figuring out a good cleaning schedule
- look for a weekly cleaning routine inspiration
- want to organize your schedule in a bullet journal
- want to set up the home management binder aka control journal in your bullet journal
Then in this blog post, you’ll learn how to make a schedule that works for you including such bujo spreads as a house cleaning schedule, chore chart, chore tracker, or Flylady-inspired bullet journal.
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How To Create a House Cleaning Schedule That Works For You
Unquestionably, finding the “one-fit-all” way to maintain a clean home without having to spend all day cleaning is almost impossible.
Definitely, it’ll look so different for working moms, single freelancers, stay-at-home moms, big house or small apartment owners, kinds of lifestyles, and personalities.
Also, everybody’s house is different, and don’t expect that all bullet journal cleaning spread ideas and inspiration gathered here will be 100% suited to your needs and preferences.
However, here’s a step-by-step process that will absolutely help you figure out your perfect cleaning schedule.
1. Start From Decluttering

Undoubtedly, I’m a huge fan of keeping the cleaning chores to the bare minimum.
Why should I even be bothered to take care of things that I don’t even need?
With this in mind, the very first step in order to come up with your cleaning schedule is to downsize everything you own.
As a result, fewer things mean no clutter you have to deal with.
This year I decided to try the KonMarie method. Yes, despite having a minimal lifestyle, I also have to declutter my space once in a while.
Ok, to tell the truth, the mess in our tiny apartment is connected with my little son (toys) and my big husband (toys).
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The KonMarie method is based on sorting your items by category (not room).
The correct order of tidying is clothing, books, papers, komono (miscellany), and sentimental items.
For more information, tips, and tricks read the following Marie Kondo books.

Alternatively, just look at Kara’s bujo page where she explained the KonMari method basics.
Then feel free to create a KonMari checklist (via Natalie) you can put in your bullet journal for future reference.
Also, it’s a great list of things you maybe just don’t need anymore.
On the other hand, Rachel designed her own version of the spring cleaning checklist.
But if you feel a little bit daunted because of how many things you need to organize, Gigi’s page is a great example of how the “30 days of decluttering” challenge break this huge task into small actionable steps.
No matter if you want to use a KonMari checklist in your bullet journal or keep it paperless, starting from decluttering is crucial to simplify your cleaning routine.
2. Simplify Your Home
Speaking of simplifying, let’s talk shortly about how you can make your schedule as simple as possible.
Obviously, I’m aware of the fact that minimalism and/or simple living might be not for everybody, but it’s definitely worth mentioning.
For example, I got rid of rugs and curtains, because I prefer having bare floors and windows.
Again, there’s nothing wrong with rugs and curtains- it’s only my personal preferences that save the time I’d spend on cleaning them.
I hope you see a pattern.
3. Make a Complete Bullet Journal Cleaning Tasks List

In order to come up with your customized cleaning schedule, first and foremost make a master list for each room.
For example, you can create your apartment’s very simple layout sketch in your bullet journal and put down all the things that need to be done.
Literally everything like dishes, garbage, laundry, etc.
4. Break All Of The Cleaning Tasks Down (Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Seasonally, Yearly)

Secondly, you categorize all of the cleaning tasks according to frequency.
Personally, I also used a color-coding system for my bullet journal chore tracker.
Basically, I assigned three colors (yellow, green, and grey) to all of my weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks.
For that reason, I’m able to see immediately, what kind of chores needs to be done this week.
5. Create a Morning and Evening Cleaning Routine

There are a few different small tasks that will freshen your home immediately like, for instance:
- making a bed
- keeping your flat surfaces like tables and desks paperless
- cleaning the table after meals
- sweeping the floors
- cleaning as you go
- taking out trash
- picking up toys
Set the timer and clean for 15 minutes in the morning and evening.
Choose maybe one or two things for the morning and one or two things for the evening.
Additionally, create a bullet journal spread with your morning and evening routine.
If it’s new for you, I’d suggest making a new bullet journal cleaning spread with the daily chore tracker every week or month to stay accountable.
Also, feel free to twist the things within your routine any time you need it.
6. Organize Your Cleaning Bullet Journal Schedule
Last but not least, it’s time to organize your cleaning schedule.
Planning out your tasks ahead, putting them on the list, and finally checking them off, definitely saves so much time.
Instead of starting cleaning by thinking about what to do, you have just to check out your plan and follow it without any kind of procrastination.
Also, as I mentioned before, it should be suited to your home’s needs and your lifestyle.
However, here are the most popular cleaning methods you can find online.
No Cleaning on Weekends
Undoubtedly, it’s a perfect way to tackle your whole house if you find weekend cleaning overwhelming.
Essentially, the no cleaning at weekends method includes having a weekly cleaning routine, when you clean only one thing every day.
In other words, you break down one gigantic to-do list into small steps you follow on a daily basis.
You clean different rooms on different days of the week.
For example, you spend your Mondays designated for the bathroom(s)’ tasks, Tuesdays for kitchens’ ones, etc.
You can even start your week from the most annoying (for you) room.
Weekends Big Cleaning
On the other hand, you may find it easier to clean the entire home just in one day a week.
Obviously, you still follow your daily cleaning routine, but you leave other tasks usually for the weekend.
Personally, I prefer having my entire home clean and tidy rather than only one room at a time.
However, in my opinion, the success of this type of schedule strongly depends on how big your house is.
While it works perfectly for my tiny apartment, I completely understand it could be undoable for a larger one.
Definitely, you shouldn’t spend your whole weekend cleaning.
Looping Cleaning Schedule
This method I found this on YouTube.
Basically, you make a cleaning list with tasks that have to be done. Then you start with the first one on the list, and then you do the next thing.
Even if you miss a day or two, you just do the next thing from the list.
What I like about it is the fact that you don’t have to make a decision about where to start every single time.
You just stick to the list.
It’s all about moving forward and making progress.
6. Involve Other Family Members, Kids, and Roommates
This could be the hardest part of developing your own cleaning schedule, particularly if you think you’re the only one who can do it all perfectly.
However, involving other family members in a cleaning routine makes your life so much easier.
Start by learning your kids how to put away their toys.
Moreover, kids, especially the younger ones, have so much fun mopping the floors or vacuuming.
Clearly, they may spill water or break glass but in the longer term, your house will be cleaner and you can spend more time with your family.
When it comes to your partner, I think the main reason he or she doesn’t want to be involved is because of your high cleaning standards.
Personally, I think that it’s better to lower your expectations and get some help than have to do everything yourself.
Unfortunately, everybody has a different level of tolerance for dirtiness.
Flylady Bullet Journal – Control Journal
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Just in case you haven’t heard about the Flylady cleaning system, it was created by Marla Cilley in order to help you clean your house quickly and easily with cleaning routines.
You can easily follow the Flylady system in a bullet journal.
First of all, create a simple list with all of the baby steps.

Secondly, make a Weekly Home Blessing within your bullet journal weekly spreads or even monthly habit tracker.
Thirdly create a morning and evening routine bullet journal tracker to stay on the right track each day.
Also, I like the idea of putting in how much time it takes to complete the tasks.
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Next, put the zone cleaning into your schedule.
Again, you divide your home into five different zones and you clean each zone each week, for instance, you focus solely on the kitchen on week 1, only for 15 minutes per day, literally with a timer.
Additionally, you can create such control journal spreads like emergency numbers page, meal planning layouts, “what can I do in 5, 10, 15 minutes” pages, or minimalist bujo weekly spreads.
Bullet Journal Cleaning Spreads

Definitely, spring cleaning can be pretty overwhelming housework.
This kind of bullet journal spread, created by Alexandra, makes it a little bit more joyful.
Along with this, another way to avoid being daunted, it’s to clean one or two rooms per week.
For example, this week you clean the kitchen.
Next week it’ll be the bathroom.
Also, put all your cleaning tasks within each room in your bujo cleaning spread.
Write your plan in a bullet journal as Kara.
On the other hand, you can tackle all spring cleaning tasks with a cute bujo spread, created by Megan.
Alternatively, Micah’s bujo layout is simpler but it has everything you need to maintain your cleaning schedule.
Here you have all cleaning tasks categorized by frequency (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-annually, and annually).
Moreover, small bujo trackers help you stay on track.
Also, for those of you who prefer minimalist bullet journal pages, Liz has created a black and white simple bujo cleaning tracker.
Last but not least, Nikki created a monthly cleaning schedule with small, colorful habit trackers and tasks.
Bullet Journal Cleaning Spreads – Final Thoughts

But this bujo cleaning spread via Rhio is so colorful with fancy lettering and kawaii doodles!
Now I hope you’ve got plenty of bullet journal cleaning spreads inspiration to keep things tidy.
Without a doubt, cleaning, even with top tips, tricks, and hacks takes time.
But, finding a little bit of joy, satisfaction or even fun in it may be the ultimate secret how to create a clean and less stressful home.
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