Free Fitness Journal Printables 2025 Workout Planner

Today I’m going to share with you my favorite free fitness journal printables.

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free printable fitness journal templates to print

In fact, these printables helped me:

  • set my fitness goals
  • schedule a weekly workout plan
  • break unhealthy habits for good
  • keep track of new healthy habits
  • plan healthy meals
  • reduce calories without starving myself

With this in mind, I gathered amazing online resources that offer free fitness journal templates to add to a planner or a fitness bullet journal.

Let’s get started.

This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It means that I may receive a small commission if you click a link and purchase a product that I have recommended. It won’t cost you any extra money.


Aesthetic Fitness Journal Printables

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Diy Weight Loss Journal Half Letter

Undoubtedly, starting a fitness journey is quite a challenge.

Especially, if you’re a lazy couch potato like me.

Definitely, it requires a lot of effort, dedication, and motivation to get rid of bad habits and develop new ones.

Indeed, it’s so much easier to sit on a couch with chips watching Netflix.

Unquestionably, putting on a workout outfit and making some push-ups may seem to be the hardest part of your daily routine.

However, I’ve noticed that keeping fitness journal printables really is a game-changer.

Firstly, they allow you to build and master self-discipline. 

Secondly, you’re able to manage the entire fitness journey in one place.

Last but not least, they remind you to keep going and hold you accountable.

Without further ado, here’s a list of the best free fitness journal printables you can find online.

Free 2024 Fitness Journal Printables

free weight loss journal fitness journey 2024
Weight Loss Bullet Journal Free Printables

As a rule, it’s hard to stay focused on your fitness goals when you’re not seeing results.

Indeed, I know how frustrating it is to work really hard at something and see no progress for weeks, months, or even years.

With this in mind, I created a free printable fitness journal you can include in your planner or binder.

Basically, these printable workout journal pages help you track every workout, meal, and water intake with ease.

Best 2024 Goals Fitness Journal

free weight loss journal printables fitness goals
Aesthetic Weight Loss Fitness Planner

Firstly, you can set weekly exercise goals based on the number of days per week, time spent exercising each day, or calories burned in a given session.

Bullet Journal Workout Tracker

weight loss journal pdf workout log
Aesthetic Weight Loss Journal Ideas

Secondly, using a workout log allows you to log the type of exercises, and record the number of sets and reps you did for each workout.

Thirdly, you track your progress by filling in time, for instance how long you held a plank or ran on the treadmill.

Water Tracker Journal Template

diy fitness journal template water tracker
Minimalist Pages Journal Template

Also, this free fitness journal allows you to set daily goals for water intake.

Recipe Free PDF Template

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Favorite Recipe Free Printables Journal

Last but not least, the recipe card template is great for playing with your favorite meals.

Free Weigh Loss Planner Also Available In US Letter Size

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fitness progress downloadable pdf file

Weekly Meal Planner

bullet journal meal panner printable
Weekly meal planner printable

Unquestionably, weight loss starts in the kitchen, not the gym.

Personally, my biggest problem when it comes to a diet, was a lack of meal prepping. 

Indeed, I’m very sensitive to feeling hungry.

For this reason, meal prepping allows me to eat healthy portions instead of filling my stomach with junk food.

With this in mind, keeping a meal planner is a must for me.

For instance, this one allows me to plan ahead for my weekly meals.

Also, I can write down my pantry, and freezer inventory, and add what I really need to buy to a grocery list. 

Food Journal Template

free fitness bullet journal printable
Food journal template with workout tracker

Apart from this, keeping a food journal helps you:

  • notice if your meals are healthy and varied
  • schedule your meals
  • control your portion sizes and caloric intake 
  • as a result, eat fewer calories

This food journal template includes a weekly calorie tracker for each meal plus a workout tracker.

Weekly Fitness Planner

food journal free printable
Free workout tracker printable

Now it’s time to create a weekly workout plan. 

Absolutely, the biggest excuse not to go to the gym is the famous “but I don’t have time”.

Guess what- yes, you do. All you need to do is to schedule it.

Obviously, I’m not a fitness expert to tell you what kind of exercise you need to do. 

Luckily, you can find a lot of workout plan ideas on Pinterest.

Or just go to your local gym and ask professional trainers for help.

When it comes to free fitness journal printables, this one I love this because:

  • it’s great if you’re working out at home
  • you have a lot of space to put down your favorite exercise routines with a scheduled time and burnt calories
  • there’s a small habit tracker to check off exercises you’ve already done
  • also, you can put some fitness notes
  • Sundays are for chilling

By the way, my current daily fitness routine includes:

  • yoga
  • walking 5000 steps

Add 2024 Life Planner Templates For Free!

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See Free Printable 2024 Planner

DOWNLOAD Free Fitness Journal 2024 Printables

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Free Fitness Journal Printables: Monthly Goals

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First and foremost, think about your fitness goals.

Before you start looking for a perfect diet or getting a trendy tie-dye workout outfit, write down specific, attainable goals with a deadline. 

Secondly, break down this huge daunted long-term goal into shorter, less overwhelming ones.

For example, if my goal is to lose 40 pounds in one year, I’d rather break it down quarterly (10 pounds), and later monthly (about 3 pounds).

To demonstrate, these amazing free monthly fitness goals, created by Seed Successful You, printable allow you to put starting plus goal weight.

Also, you have plenty of space to describe your monthly fitness goal and create an action plan.

Additionally, you can put a motivational quote next to the most important daily question: did you work out today?

Daily Fitness Journal Template

bullet journal fitness printables

In case you prefer working with daily templates, this one via Seed Successful You is a great combo.

It includes such crucial fitness journal layouts as a meal planner, workout routine plan, daily motivation, and food journal.

Weekly Fitness Planner

fitness planner template

Alternatively, you can choose a weekly fitness planner.

This one, designed includes Dear Crissy, a meal planner, workout plan, water tracker, and a place for notes.

Healthy Habits Tracker

habit tracker template monthly

Now, when you have your meals planned and workout scheduled, it’s time to put these healthy habits into your daily routine. 

Undoubtedly, this part of your fitness journey is the hardest one.

It requires a lot of motivation and self-discipline.

The best way to develop new habits is by tracking your daily progress.

Only by keeping yourself accountable day after day, you’re able to work toward your fitness goals regularly.

And unfortunately, it’s the only way to achieve success.

Again, Seed Successful You, created this free healthy habit tracker printable for a month to make your fitness journey easier.

Measurements Tracker

progress tracker printable

Last but not least, you want to check out if you’re on the right path.

In other words, you definitely should track your progress.

For example, you can track your measurements, using the Measurements tracker via Cassie Scroggins.

It’s way better than tracking your weight because it fluctuates depending on hydration level, muscles, last meal, or day of the cycle.

This measurement tracker is beautifully designed.

The body image shows you approximately how you should take your body measurements.

Weight Loss Tracker

bullet journal printable

Along with this, feel free to track your weight loss as well.

However, keep in mind, what wrote above. It’s only a number.

This weight loss tracker by The Petite Planner is so funny to use.

The idea of filling one jar with lost pounds is awesome.

Before and After Printable

free fitness bujo sheets

Definitely, one of the most popular things in a fitness/weight loss world is before/after pictures.

Similar to remodeling an old airstream into an aesthetic house on wheels, it’s usually amazing to see how far you can go with your fitness journey.

Definitely, it’s a great motivation.

For this reason, this free fitness journal printable by Seed Successful You can potentially become your greatest satisfaction ever.

Just glue in your picture before you start your healthy fitness habits.

After a month put the current picture and see your progress.

How to Resize Free Fitness Journal Printables To Fit Your Planner

You can find the ultimate guide on how to resize these free fitness journal templates, no matter what kind of planner you use (bullet journal, Happy Planner, Erin Condren, Filofax, etc.) here.

Free Fitness Journal Printables – Final Thoughts

As you can see, you can map out your entire fitness journey with these free fitness journal printables.

From fitness goal setting to meal and workout plans to tracking your progress day after day, you have all the tools you need. 

Now it’s time to take action.

Happy planning!

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workout log 2023 fitness planner

Free Fitness Journal Printables – FAQ

How To Use Free Fitness Planner?

First and foremost, these free templates allow you to track your workouts.

As a result, you stick to your favorite exercise routine and can see the real fitness progress,

Also, apart from free fitness tracker pages, I added a meal planning set you can use for the entire year.

Because let’s face it – if you don’t keep track of your workouts, how do you know whether your physical activity works?

Maybe this strength training is too hard or maybe it’s time to hire a personal trainer.

Certainly, this free printable exercise journal is an easy way to work towards health goals and get a better result.

What Are Your Favorite Fitness Journal Ideas?

Undoubtedly, my favorite printable fitness journal template pages are the following:

Free Printable Fitness Tracker

During my weight loss journey, at the end of the week, I created an exercise program for the next week.

Indeed, keeping a workout planner really helped me reach specific goals in less time.

Because sometimes motivation isn’t enough to engage in daily exercise, making an exercise log is a great way to be disciplined.

In my opinion, writing an exercise diary is essential when it comes to maintaining overall health and well-being.

In other words, it’s important to keep track of your fitness goals to ensure steady progress.

Printable Food Planner

Another page in my printable journal I used regularly was a weekly meal planner.

In fact, it’s a great way to start being more conscious about your choices.

Free Fitness Journal Printables Water Tracker

Last but not least, a water tracker is a great place to write how much water you during all day.

Definitely, staying hydrated is the most important thing and can have a huge impact on fitness levels.

By the way, it’s a great new habit you want to start as the new year approaches.

Free Fitness Journal Printables Progress Tracker

Using a progress tracker during your fat loss journey gives you a sense of accomplishment as you see tangible results.

Surely, if you keep track of your progress, you are more likely to stay on the right track toward better health for the whole year.

Can I Use A Simple Monthly Calendar As A Workout Schedule?

Yes, you can.

In fact, a workout calendar is basically a regular one, however, sometimes you can find additional motivational quotes or extra space for your type of exercise.

For example, if you train for half marathons, you can find a blank space to track total miles.

Also, you may prefer exercising at local gyms.

So if you love strength training, maybe you need to write down how much weight you worked with.

At the end of the day, your fitness log needs to suit your needs and lifestyle.

Definitely, you can find many different formats of free templates (including even digital planners).

By the way, you can make your templates prettier with a washi tape.

Can I Use Your Free Printable Workout Planner Commercially?

No, all my freebies are for personal use only.

Free Fitness Journal Printables