Monthly Log | Bujo Monthly Spread Inspiration
Do you begin every single month from looking for some new bullet journal monthly spread ideas?
The original bullet journal was a super simple analog system for keeping track of tasks, appointments, and random thoughts. It was an organizational tool and for most of us, it is still just that. But because the basic idea is so easy and beautiful, it can also become a creative outlet for you.
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Because it is such a simple system, it’s easy to customize it for your needs. If you need ideas, head on over to YouTube or follow a few bullet journal enthusiasts on Instagram. You’ll get plenty of ideas to help you customize your bullet journal for your needs.
Quite a few creative bullet journalists use their notebooks as an art journal in addition to keeping track of their daily tasks. They look forward to creating beautiful weekly or monthly spreads to track appointments and play with pretty hand-drawn fonts for their daily headers.
Here are over 20 amazing bullet journal monthly spreads to keep your life organized.
How creative you get with your journal is entirely up to you and the accessories you use are almost endless. If you find it fun and helpful, go for it. Don’t be afraid to experiment or mess up. It’s a journal after all and there’s beauty in imperfection.
For inspiration for your creative journal pages look no further than the internet. You’ll find a thriving community of fellow artsy bullet journalers on YouTube and Instagram. Get new ideas and try new techniques by joining in the fun.
Don’t forget about the creative opportunities the cover pages of your journals offer. Try out some decoupage, sew a custom cover, or get out those leather tooling tools to give your bullet journal a personal touch. In other words, let out your creative side and have fun with your journal.
What’s Next? I Bet You Want To Read This:
- 7 Bullet Journal Ideas That’ll Fix Your Organization Issues
- Bullet Journaling: 11 Spreads That’ll Help You To Deal With Anxiety
- How to Start a Bullet Journal: 11 Easy Bullet Journal Ideas that’ll Kickstart Your Own BuJo
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