Bullet Journal Fitness Tracker Ideas

Ready to grab the best bullet journal fitness tracker ideas?

In this post, you’ll learn how to create a fitness bullet journal.

In fact, bullet journaling helped me to:

  • set realistic goals
  • love my body in a healthy way
  • strive to be more active
  • plan meals and eat cleaner
  • plan my workout sessions ahead and stick to the schedule
  • track progress
  • develop new healthy habits
  • stay motivated
  • focus on body wellness

Today I’m going to show how to:

  • build a positive mindset and motivation with a bujo
  • use a bullet journal as a fitness planner
  • track your fitness with a bullet journal 
  • use free bullet journal printables

Let’s dive right in.

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The purpose of this blog post is to get bullet journal fitness tracker LAYOUT inspiration. Please, don’t copy someone’s individual workout plans, diet, etc. Before you start any diet or exercise plan, always consult with a doctor.

How Do You Create a Fitness Bullet Journal

fitness bullet journal pages
Undoubtedly, scheduling your workouts ahead as @hellobonjournal makes it more likely to stick to your goals and stay active every day.

Also, you develop a new healthy routine by keeping a habit tracker within a weekly spread as @craftyenginerd or as a separate page (by @mai.plan).

Without a doubt, setting up a health and fitness bullet journal can really motivate you to exercise on a regular basis, eat mindfully, and develop a new healthy routine.

However, there’s one more great aspect of keeping a bullet journal for health.

It’s also an amazing tool to grow a gratitude mindset and focus on the positive aspect of fitness.

In my opinion, the best fitness planner is one that includes:

  • fitness goal page
  • motivation spread
  • meal planning pages
  • workout log
  • gratitude log
  • bullet journal fitness trackers

Fitness Goal Page

Generally, setting up fitness goals is pretty easy.

In the state of mind, when you’re motivated, making changes in your bad habits is simple.

However, after several days or maybe even weeks, your enthusiasm starts to drop drastically.

In order to approach later challenges, you’re more likely to overcome them if your goals are written down.

According to studies, writing goals is a powerful tool because this is how your brain works.

Bullet Journal Motivation Page

Similar to the bullet journal fitness goal page, having a motivation page can help you to stay on track and don’t give up.

It’s another tool that allows you to stay motivated whenever you’re faced with obstacles.

Having some kind of visual reference reminds you of yours why.

Meal Planning Spread

“Get fit in the gym, lose weight in the kitchen”

And yes, while I think it’s some kind of true, personally I believe in intuitive eating.

For this reason, although the bullet journal food tracker spreads are beyond beautiful (look at the minimalist @jashiicorrin meal log, clean @nohnoh.studies food tracker, list of whole 50 food log by @boho.berry, and art journal diet log by @jtraftonart), in my opinion, it can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food.

However, again I’m not a nutritionist or dietician.

Simply, from personal experience, any kind of diet, food tracking, etc has never worked for me.

Moreover, it usually triggered binge eating.

organizing family meals planner

On the other hand, I found out that meal planning works best for me.

It helps me organize family meals that nourish my body and soul.

How often do you end up with greasy, highly processed take-out food only because you have nothing (except the light) in your fridge.

Undoubtedly, I’m 100% sure that you prefer home-cooked meals.

How about getting more organized and starting to plan meals in your bullet journal ahead?

This lunch idea spread from @simplyproductivity includes a product list, divided into categories like carbs and proteins.

I love categorizing products – it makes writing a grocery shopping list so much faster.

The next spread by @grey.and.copper has one genius thing – space for the shopping list.

It’s so clever to have your meal plan and shopping list next to each other.

Another great idea I found is this reusable meal plan by @write.your.life.

Instead of creating meal plan layouts week after week, you just use colorful post-its.

Workout Log

workout schedule ideas

Because I get pretty quickly bored, repeating the same fitness routine over and over again, I like to vary my workouts.

Definitely, these bullet journal workout layouts help me to stay on track.

The first one, created by @luckyletters is great to track a whole-body workout routine.

The second bujo spread from @aimighani is perfect for tracking your exercises sit-ups or plank).

Last but not least, I created an aesthetic workout tracker to be able to change my workouts daily, according to my mood.

Because moving my body should be a true act of loving myself rather than a painful chore.

Obviously, we’re a master at making super creative and hilarious excuses for skipping the gym (too cold, too hot, too busy).

Alternatively, you belong to this amazing group of lazy people (like me), who cheat a little bit in reps or the number of series.

Yep, there’s always the temptation to quit your fitness routine.

However, studies have shown that having some kind of planner or journal helps to stay consistent and achieve better results.

Keeping a workout journal enables you to track such parameters as time, distance, the amount lifted, sets, workout reps, and calories burned. 

Gratitude Log

Clearly, expressing gratitude is beneficial for your mental health.

Not only it increases happiness and energy levels, but it also reduces stress and chronic pain.

One of the ways to practice gratitude is to write about those things about your body, nutrition, and mind for which you’re grateful.

How Do You Track Your Fitness (Bullet Journal Fitness Tracker Ideas)

fitness tracker ideas

Bullet journaling enables you to track your fitness on a daily basis.

Above you can find the perfect bullet journal fitness tracker ideas like this minimalist one from @supermassiveblackink where the author tracks the number of daily steps.

Alternatively, you can create these cute mini habit tracker calendars as @kaylizaa or put your fitness data in a classic table as @bujo.help did.

Besides, do you know when you exercise, your body releases endorphins?

Using the last layout, you can easily notice how your mood boosts after a workout.

It can really help to stay motivated.

Definitely, the key to achieving your fitness goals is getting rid of unhealthy habits and replacing them with good ones.

Creating healthy habits like taking 45 minutes to walk every day or sleeping a minimum of 8 hours is more beneficial than any one-time boot camp workout.

Indeed, keeping your fitness goals really helps you to avoid feeling anxious, stressed, and burned out.

Bullet Journal Fitness Tracker Ideas

fitness journal spread notebook

Generally, the most common way to see your fitness journey progress is by tracking weight.

Definitely, you’re able to create the cutest weight loss trackers ever like this one created by @bujode3 with girl’s legs, standing on a scale, and squares for the weight loss countdown.

Along with this, tracking your numbers with a simple graph (by @craftyenginerd) or, again, by colorful rectangles (by @my_blue_sky_design) can become pretty quickly aimless.

In fact, after gaining muscles you can even gain some weight.

And it doesn’t mean at all that you don’t work towards your fitness goals.

For this reason, I think tracking your measurements is more accurate.

For instance, you can create a simple tracker as @productiveandpretty, where you track your waist, hips thighs, bust, and bicep measurements.

Or just stick with a basic table by @momdotlove and decorate it with body figures like for example @charlottegetsorganised_ or @grey.and.copper.

Besides, you can track your progress by creating:

  • step tracker
  • sleep tracker
  • water tracker

Step Tracker

step tracker

If you’re a couch potato like me, it’s quite challenging to find the right type of physical activity. 

There’re not many reasons that motivate me to move my butt from the cozy sofa.

Well, I don’t know, what’ll work for you, but 10 000 steps per day at the beginning of the road sounds reasonable to me.

For this reason, setting up a step tracker and filling in it with a number of steps daily keeps me motivated and always ready to walk even more.

Sleep Log

sleep tracker bullet journal page
As you can see, a sleep log can be an aesthetic part of your bullet journal.

For example, @the.pretty.planner choose a pink Crayola marker, @bujo.by.marieke decorated her notebook with a fancy heading, I chose a space-themed sleep log, @bulletbycait made sleep logs according to the monthly theme, and the ZzZ sleep page by @littlebee_creative is so cute.

It’s so true – the less you sleep, the more you eat.

I hope you don’t need any more convincing to fix your sleeping schedule.

If you want to feel energized, just train your body to follow a certain rhythm.

Wake up at the same time every day and go to bed before midnight.

Do not underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep.

If you sleep less than 6 hours, your metabolism slows down. At the same time, you’re constantly hungry.

As a result, you eat more than you really need.

Water Tracker

water tracker ideas

No matter if you’re running marathons or practicing yoga, staying properly hydrated is important.

Remember to stay hydrated.

Drinking about 4 liters of water every day cleanses the toxins from the body and helps to get healthy and feel more energized.

You may need a bullet journal water tracker to record how much water you drink during the day.

Basically, you can place a water tracker within your weekly spread as I did for my October bullet journal.

Alternatively, just put it next to the step tracker as @sharonajournals or use colorful pens as @keletters.

Bullet Journal Fitness Tracker Setup

This year my main focus is to make myself more confident about my body. 

Due to this, I want to create a fitness lifestyle in order to:

  • be healthier
  • feel better
  • be body conscious
  • stop defining myself by numbers like weight and size

However, as much as I love body-positive movement, I won’t use it as an excuse to stop working out or eating clean.

At the same time, I decide to exercise in a way that I actually enjoy, and choose what makes my body feel great and makes me happy.

Vision Board for Fitness Goals

bullet journal vision board

First and foremost, I start by setting up my fitness goals. 

This year I choose to create a vision board. 

Normally, I’d put on them some photos of Instagram fitness influencers with their unattainable and usually face-tuned bodies.

Moreover, I’d delude myself that I could look like them only if I ordered their workout plan, diet, or clothing line.

In addition, I’d write down some “empowering” fitness quotes like “no pain no gain”, “pain is just weakness leaving the body” or “don’t stop when it hurts, stop when you’re done”.

The only thing I want to stop is punishing my body.

And while I understand from the last year to use these images and harsh words as motivation, now I know that it works completely opposite.

Clearly, I didn’t love my body, my self-confidence was as low as possible, and comparing myself to fit influencers made me feel insecure.

As a matter of fact, I felt like a loser even before I started. 

For that reason, this year, I put on my fitness vision board positive body fitness quotes like:

Stay dedicated. It’s not going to happen overnight.

Your body loves you. Love it back.

Additionally, I put my yearly fitness statements.


  • love my body in a healthy way
  • am more active
  • focus on my body wellness
  • eat cleaner
  • practice yoga every day
  • walk 10 000 steps daily.
  • am strong

Then I draw the Sun Salutation yoga routine.

Besides, I write down body love and healthy eating affirmations.

Body Positive Motivation Page

bullet journal workout tracker

We all know that sticking to new healthy fitness habits may be challenging.

Busy schedules, short days, too cold, too hot, period, bad mood – there are so many excuses.

With this in mind, I create a bullet journal with positive motivation spread with all the benefits of staying active, practicing yoga, and getting 10.000 steps a day. 

Moreover, I like to create a year of workouts tracker.

Yoga Moon Phases Spread

bullet journal yoga moon phases

Next, I create a bullet journal page with yoga sequences.

As you’ll see in a minute, I practice yoga daily and choose a sequence depending on the moon phase (all information you can find here). 

Monthly Fitness Spread

bujo monthly workout log

Next, I put my monthly intention and create a yoga practice schedule aligning with the moon phases. 

Weekly Fitness Spread

bujo weekly spread fitness log

Then, I create a bullet journal weekly spread.

Due to my fitness goals, I need to put in my bujo weekly spread such elements like:

  • meal planner
  • grocery list
  • water tracker
  • step tracker
  • body positive journal prompts (please find the complete list here)

Weight Loss & Fitness Bullet Journal Printables

workout tracker weekly free printable

I know that some of you prefer using bullet journal printables instead of creating your spreads in a notebook.

With this in mind, here you can find the list of the best free fitness journal printables.

Bullet Journal for Fitness – Final Thoughts

fitness training schedule bujo
This yoga tracker is my number one bullet journal layout goal.

As someone who practices yoga literally every day, I just can’t stop being amazed by this amazing bujo page, created by @journalspiration.

As you can see, bullet journaling is a great way to keep track of your fitness routine.

No matter if you’re a body-positive woman or you prefer boot camp type of workouts, you can still stay accountable by setting up SMART goals, creating a realistic schedule, and tracking your daily progress.

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Bullet Journal Fitness Tracker Ideas