September Bullet Journal (2025 Update)

Today you’ll see my favorite September bullet journal layout ideas.

Because it’s the middle of August, you probably start looking for some amazing bujo inspiration for September.

With this in mind, here you can find the best September ideas for:

So let’s dive right in!

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September Bullet Journal Ideas

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Bullet Journal Supplies

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September Bullet Journal Themes

september mood tracker

Undoubtedly, September is this weird month, stuck between late summer and early fall.

For this reason, some of the bullet journalists decide to go with typical fall themes. 

At the same time, there is a strong group in a bullet journaling world that wants summer vibes to stay as long as possible. 

For this reason, they make their September bullet journal still bright and colorful, sticking with summer themes.

However, if you’re struggling with which bujo theme to choose, below you can find the list of the statement September themes.

By the way, there’re many cute step-by-step doodle tutorials.

So it’s so easy to decorate your entire September bullet journal layouts and stay on theme.

Harry Potter

harry potter cover page

Personally, I find Harry Potter to be the most suitable theme for the September bullet journal.

Indeed, back-to-school season has always been strongly connected with the Harry Potter series.

With this in mind, I even wrote the entire blog post, where I share the best bullet journal Harry Potter spreads ideas.

School Theme

artistic cover page september bujo

Undoubtedly, while speaking of back-to-school season, the school theme is the most obvious choice to make.

But it doesn’t mean your bujo spreads have to be boring and repetitive.

Last year, I chose the school theme and I drew a simple flat lay including a notebook, washi tape, and pens.

Indeed, you can be crazy creative even with such a basic theme.

Fall Theme

september bullet journal cover ideas

Again, as I mentioned before, for some of us September means fall.

With this in mind, the basic fall bullet journal themes are everything connected with this season like foxes, leaves, pumpkins, mushrooms, and acorns.

Also, feel free to use fall color schemes like yellows, oranges, reds, and greens.

Sunflower Theme

Personally, I think the sunflower theme allows you to stay in a summer mood longer.

Along with this, it’s pretty easy to draw sunflowers.

Other September Theme Ideas

september monthly calendar bujo

Besides, you can always choose these cute bujo themes for September such as:

  • fall flowers
  • pinecones
  • mushrooms
  • woodland creature
  • forest
  • mountains
  • tea
  • sunflowers
september bullet journal quote page

September Bullet Journal Cover Page

Gossip Girl themed bujo cover

Now, when you get some September bullet journal theme inspiration, here’re amazing cover page ideas. 

Obviously, now I have to make a short disclaimer. 

Of course, if all these artistic bullet journal designs aren’t your thing, it’s absolutely ok. 

Absolutely, you can make your September bujo work without doodling or drawing.

Indeed, just do what’s best for you.

For instance, last year I chose the Gossip Girl series as a bullet journal theme for September.

In particular the Blair Waldorf aesthetic.

For this reason, for my bujo cover page, I chose to doodle some cute, girl boss vibes stuff like a sleep mask, a Chanel bag, makeup products, etc.

September Monthly Log

monthly calendar bullet journal

At this time, you just unleashed your creativity and made a cover page.

Finally, it’s time to think more about organizational kinds of stuff and set up a bullet journal monthly spread.

Besides creating a classic monthly calendar, I’d recommend leaving some blank space for your monthly goals, notes, or mini-trackers.

Definitely, I like my “productive” spreads to be rather minimalist.

However, this time I went a little bit over the board.

What I mean by that, is I added a lot of doodles and Blair Waldorf’s famous quotes.

In general, this bullet journal September spread is my favorite.

Obviously, I had to make a mistake.

Luckily, it was easy to fix.

The wrong word was covered by a black ink pen.

Later, I wrote on it the correct one with a white gel pen.

September Habit Trackers

mini habit tracker september

Unquestionably, September is a month of change.

Not only do you get back to school, but the nights are getting colder and colder, but also the entire season changes from summer to fall.

With this in mind, you may want to work on new, good habits and get rid of the bad ones.

And undoubtedly, a habit tracker is a bullet journal spread that will help you to finally do it.

However, at the same time, you still can be creative and decorate your September tracker with cute doodles and lettering.

As you can see, I chose to make mini calendar habit trackers.

Definitely, it’s the most tedious part of bullet journaling.

However, I really enjoy using this type of tracker.

So it was worth it.

September Mood Tracker

tracking moods september bullet journal

With days getting shorter, you can start feeling a little bit lower than during the summer. 

Definitely, I’m a huge believer in mood tracking throughout the whole year.

And fall and winter seem to be great times to actually keep a mood tracker on a daily basis.

While being amazing bullet journal layout ideas for your self-care practice, mood trackers can be so fun to create at the same time.

September Bullet Journal Weekly Spread

one page weeklies september bullet journal

Obviously, if you want to achieve your monthly goals at the end of the month, you have to hold yourself accountable during the month.

Apart from tracking your progress for example with a habit tracker, you need to develop an action plan.

Undoubtedly, the best way to break your monthly goal into smaller chunks is by using a bullet journal weekly spread.

Moreover, creating weeklies you love motivates you to use a bujo every single day.

For instance, my weekly one-page bullet journal layout is the most basic layout.

Basically, I put a mini-calendar in the right, upper corner, and drew perfume bottles as headers.

Also, I left space for my monthly goals, next week’s tasks, and notes.

September Bullet Journal Collections

braindump spread september bullet journal

Last but not least it’s time for September bullet journal collections.

For example, you can write your fall bucket list or create an art journal page with motivational bullet journal quotes.

Alternatively, use a planner as a school bullet journal and some school bullet journal spreads like schedules, exam study plans, or simple school notes.

For example, I like to include a brain dump page in my September planner.

After working with the brain dump sessions for a couple of months, now I can’t imagine not setting up this kind of bujo layout in my notebook.

For sole decoration purposes, I drew a fashion figure in a pencil skirt (so Blair Waldorf!), carrying a shopping bag with a Channel logo.

On the next page, in the right, upper corner I repeated the same motive.

September Bullet Journal – Final Thoughts

september habit tracker bujo

While I love this back-to-school season with getting all of the new stationery, backpacks, and clothing, I’ll miss summer for sure.

So I’m beyond happy for setting up my September bullet journal pages. 

But as of now, I still hesitate about which of the September bullet journal themes to choose.

However, I hope you have fun with this new season of bullet journaling.

Good luck!

What’s Next? Check Out Other Monthly Bullet Journal Ideas:

How to Start a Bullet Journal (2023 Step-by-Step Guide)

Best Bullet Journal Supplies

October Bullet Journal Ideas (2023 Update)

September Bullet Journal Layout Ideas