Bullet Journal Page Ideas Perfect for 2025 Bujo

Ready to grab the best list of bullet journal page ideas?

bullet journal business anja home
bullet journal pages idea

Today you’re going to see amazing bullet journal inspiration that’ll help you start your first bullet journal.

Finally, get organized and stay organized in your personal and professional life as well.

So if you’re wondering:

  • what you should include in your bullet journal
  • what bujo pages are the basic ones

and looking for bullet journal page ideas for:

  • family
  • home
  • work
  • study
  • personal finances
  • self-care
  • wellness
  • health
  • travel
  • hobby
  • fun
  • being creative

Then you’ll love this ultimate list.


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Bullet Journal Ideas – What to Put in Bujo

After reading a bunch of articles about bullet journaling and finding all awesome bullet journal page ideas, you’re ready to organize your entire life using this amazing system.

But wait…

bullet journaling for work anja home
bullet journal page ideas

Undoubtedly, you ask yourself what you should include in your bullet journal and what the best bullet journal is.

Generally, there can be only one answer to these questions.

So, the best bullet journal is the one that works for you.

Maybe it’s not what you expected to hear from bullet journal bloggers but trust me- the most common beginner’s mistake is trying to copy others’ bullet journal pages and fit their lives.

In other words, you can read my essential guide to starting a bullet journal for beginners or watch many of the ” plans with me” videos on YouTube but at the end of the day what works for me won’t necessarily work for you.

However, there is nothing wrong with trying out many bullet journal layout ideas.

In fact, it allows you to find your style and suit your diy planner to your needs.

For that reason, today I share with you plenty of bullet journal page ideas you may want to test and maybe include in your planner notebook.

Best Bullet Journal Supplies

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Bullet Journal Ideas

work bullet journal anja home
bullet journal pages ideas

As a rule, a lot of people have a hard time getting started with their bujo.

Not only because they need to consider so many things.

In fact, if you’re an aspiring bullet journaler, you know how hard it is to find the perfect cover page design.

You want something that’s beautiful and inspiring, but not too busy or complicated.

Something that fits your personality and style without taking up too much time.

Undoubtedly, these cute monthly bujo cover pages will help you get started on this creative journey with a bang.

Obviously, you may ask if creating a bullet journal planner cover is a must.

Although I believe in Bujo’s full customization, I highly recommend spending a few more minutes on making it.

Definitely, it’s a great way to organize your bujo and make it more streamlined.

Also, it can save you time (in the long term) and make your bujo look nicer.

I mean who doesn’t like seeing some pretty-looking pages?

With this in mind, I create a list of amazing bullet journal ideas for a specific month.

Not only do you find my monthly bujo layouts but also share some of my favorite monthly layouts from other bullet journalists.

In fact, as you can see on the preview cover page above, I’m not a professional designer.

Therefore, it’s only natural that yours will look even better.

Also, I keep adding new ones every month so there’s always something fresh for your next planning session.

Because bujo is for everyone, it’s hard to find the right bullet journal ideas.

January Bullet Journal Ideas

winter wonderland january bullet journal planner theme
January cover page ideas bullet journal

February Bullet Journal Ideas

minimalist hearts bullet journal planner cover 2023
February journaling page

March Bullet Journal Ideas

plant theme March bullet journal
March bullet journals pages

April Bullet Journal Ideas

April bullet journal cover easter rain
April bullet journal page

May Bullet Journal Ideas

may cover page bujo ideas
May bullet journaling pages

June Bullet Journal Ideas

July Bullet Journal Ideas

july cover page ideas bujo
July bullet journal page by page

August Bullet Journal Ideas

beach theme august cover page
August journaling pages ideas

September Bullet Journal Ideas

september bullet journal cover ideas
September ideas for journal pages

October Bullet Journal Ideas

pumpkin fox theme october bujo cover
October bujo page ideas

November Bullet Journal Ideas

november bullet journal cover rainy days
November bujo pages ideas

December Christmas Bullet Journal Ideas

december bullet journal cover
December pages for bullet journal

Basic Bullet Journal Page Ideas

Firstly, the beauty of bullet journaling is in its full customization and personalization.

While your main goals are to organize your thoughts, tasks, and projects and increase productivity, there are a couple of bullet journal spreads that are kind of crucial to making it work.

Bullet Journal Key

bullet journal key
key journaling pages

Firstly, the bullet journal key is the very first page you should create in your bullet journal notebook to tidy your tasks with ease.

Moreover, it helps you to keep track of every stage of the project.

Also, feel free to choose your very own bullet journal symbol ideas.

At the same time, don’t overthink it, and just create the code you’re able to crack within a few seconds.

Bullet Journal Index

bullet journal key index
index journal pages ideas

Another most underestimated page is a bullet journal index.

Firstly, your notebook is pretty much empty. You may think if you need to create an index in the first place.

In fact, I thought exactly the same.

Imagine how surprised I was when I woke up one day and I couldn’t find anything in my bujo.

Indeed, after several weeks, I filled out over 100 pages without indexing them.

It was a nightmare.

So if you need to have a guide, check out my blog post on how to get the journal indexed.

Altogether, it’s good to start with the bullet journal basics before creating fancier (and definitely funnier) pages.

However, you don’t have to number notebooks’ pages all by yourself.

Moreover, some bullet journal notebooks come with a premade bujo key and index.

For example, one of my favorite bullet journal notebooks has designed a designated place to put your customized symbols, index, and even color-coding.

Bullet Journal Future Log

future log
future log journal page ideas

Certainly, one of the small downsides of bullet journaling is a lack of a calendar. 

Indeed, I admit, creating a year-at-a-glance page is my least favorite part of the bullet journal setup.

However, a future log is a page you’ll definitely need. 

Firstly, I set it for all year and it took me a lot of time.

But I discovered that I filled my notebook within 4-6 months.

Therefore now I create a future log only for a maximum of a half year.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for some other bujo tips and tricks, please find below the ultimate guide on how to plan ahead with a future log.

Bullet Journal Monthly Layout

bullet journal monthly spread
monthly journaling page ideas

Clearly, planning the entire month ahead is one of my favorite productivity hacks.

Having monthly goals, to-do lists, projects or events gathered in one place makes your life so much easier.

Only with one short glimpse, you’re able to control many (if not all) aspects of your schedule.

If you’re one of the bullet journalists who love to create a different theme every month, the bujo monthly spread is a great place to decorate it with lettering or cute doodles.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread

weekly spread
weekly journal page

Even if you aren’t a big fan of scheduling everything in your life, I highly recommend you try out a weekly bullet journal spread.

As a rule, one of the main reasons why you usually complain about a lack of time is that you underestimate how long it will take to accomplish the task.

Making a to-do list with all the daily tasks you need to accomplish to meet your weekly and eventually monthly goals is a real game-changer.

Bullet Journal Page Ideas

reading tracker
bujo ideas for reading trackers

If you’re wondering what are bullet journal collections, let me tell you something: you will love them.

These are the main reasons so many of us – planner girls – switched up and started using a bullet journal instead of an ordinary planner.

Moreover, it’s a place you design all by yourself.

According to your lifestyle and current needs, you create useful pages like bullet journal birthday spreads or budget templates or not-so-useful (but creative) layouts like washi tape swatches.

Bullet Journal List Ideas

Besides the obvious to-do list with your daily tasks, there are other cool bullet journal list examples you can incorporate into your everyday life.

For example, creating a simple booklist can motivate you to read more books.

Additionally, having a packing list makes your vacation prep so much easier.

Especially, if you add this page as your must-have collection spread so you avoid writing it over and over again.

Also, working with a daily affirmation layout will keep your mind calm and simply help you be in a good mood.

  • Booklist
  • Movie list
  • Things before 20 (or 30 or 40 etc) bucket list
  • Grocery list
  • Chore list
  • Travel bucket list
  • Packing checklist
  • Restaurants to visit
  • Favorite songs
  • Bills list
  • Things to do
  • Journal prompts
  • Konmari checklist
  • Decluttering
  • Recipes to try
  • TV-shows to watch
  • No buy list
  • Favorite podcasts
  • Family activity ideas
  • Gift ideas
  • Wishlist
  • DIY projects
  • Photos to take
  • Daily affirmations
  • Prayer list
  • Emergency phone numbers
  • First aid checklist
  • Skillshare classes
  • Freezer and Pantry Inventory
  • Vaccination record
  • Healthy snacks options
  • Date ideas
  • A list of lists
  • Favorite meals
  • Weekly cleaning checklist


bujo book tracker
bujo pages for reading log

This is a place, where you can track your reading, review books, and make a book-to-read list.

Therefore you read more.

Or maybe you prioritize reading over watching Netflix, maybe you include it in your morning routine as I did.

Definitely, it’s pretty satisfying to review the book with these cute book doodles and check out a small box.

Along with this, you may want to add a book review page, where you include your thoughts and opinions and briefly summarize a plot.

Also, tracking how many pages you’ve just read with a page tracker can motivate you to read regularly and finish more books yearly.

Packing List

planner packing list template
travel pages in a journal

First and foremost, this travel bullet journal page is perfect for any kind of travel, road trip, or family vacation.

You include the most important information like a date, weather, and amount of days and suit your packing list to it.

Also, you can plan your entire week in advance.

Skillshare Classes

bullet journal ideas
dot journal page ideas

Generally, making a list of completed podcasts, courses or classes helps to stay on track and motivated.

Additionally, I like to write down what I’ve just learned.

It may be only one little thing but in the long term, you see how you progress.

Cleaning Checklist

cleaning checklist
what to bullet journal

Here’s another example of a bullet journal list that’ll help you to manage your cleaning schedule.

Basically, I draw the apartment’s basic sketch and list all tasks for specific areas.

On the other side, I put the Kon Marie checklist in order to declutter my space fast and easily.

Favorite Meals List

meal planning bullet journal
meal planner journal pages

Because of the fact that groceries and eating are for the most part the most expensive part of your monthly budget, planning meals in advance can really reduce costs.

Also, I like to cook seasonal fruit and veggies and write down meals according to season.

Habit Trackers

bullet journal graph tracker
monthly bullet journal page ideas for habit trackers

As a rule, changing even a tiny habit can completely change your life.

Easier said than done.

Definitely, it can be the hardest thing you’ve ever done – a lack of motivation and commitment makes it tremendously difficult.

However, if you decide to take baby steps and commit for at least a month, there is a pretty chance you will succeed.

With this in mind, one of the coolest tools that will help you is using a habit tracker in your bullet journal.

Generally, the best way to change a habit is to track it.

The Most Popular Habits to Track

mood habit tracker ideas
dot journal ideas

Below you can find the most popular habits to track.

As you can see, you can create your tracker more minimal as a chart or unleash your creativity and draw a flaming birthday cake for your mood tracker.

Obviously, it’s impossible to get rid of all your bad habits and develop these good ones immediately. However, pick one or two of the habits I put below and track them in your habit tracker.

Also, what I like to do, is note down the next habits I want to work on after I finish the first ones.

Last but not least, I always try to be as specific as I can, similar to yearly goals.

For instance, instead of writing “drinking less coffee”, I’d note rather “drinking two cups daily”.

  • Getting up earlier
  • Working out regularly
  • Going to bed earlier
  • Eating healthily
  • Spending less money (no-spending day)
  • Drinking less coffee
  • Quitting sugar
  • Meditating for 1 hour
  • Drinking more water
  • Journaling
  • Taking Vitamins
  • Reading time
  • Skincare routine
  • Sleeping 8 hours
  • Having a cold shower
  • Bible studying
  • Handlettering
  • Drawing 30 minutes
  • Running 10 km
  • Quitting social media for 30 days
  • Bullet journaling
  • Writing 1000 words per day

So what else can you track in a bullet journal?

Basically, whatever you need.

The Most Popular Tracker Ideas

brain dump page bujo
cute journal idea

As I mentioned before, tracking your progress is crucial to developing new habits.

So now, when you choose the new habits you want to work on, it’s time to design habit tracker pages in your bullet journal.

Obviously, you can stick to a classic, mini calendar habit tracker. On the other hand, it can be as minimalistic and simple as you want, without lettering and doodles.

But if you prefer creating separate trackers for specific habits, here are some cool ideas to get inspired.

  • Spending log
  • Budget template
  • Snacks log
  • Level 10 Life
  • Year in Pixels
  • Birthday’s tracker
  • Money to save
  • Sleep tracker
  • Waterlog
  • Workout tracker
  • Weather
  • Weight loss
  • Energy tracker
  • Savings
  • Steps
  • Food log
  • Measurements
  • Period
  • Run distance
personal finance layouts
designs for journal pages

For example, because I’m all about frugal living and personal finances, I also like to create a tracker for this specific life category.

To demonstrate it, in my budget bullet journal pages, you find such trackers as a spending log, saving tracker, net-worth tracker, or building emergency fund log.

level 10 life printable
bullet journal inspiration

Furthermore, I track my quarterly goals and assess each of my life categories with the Level 10 Life exercise.

Basically, you can easily do this exercise once a year, but I usually work with quarterly goals.

Definitely, it’s less overwhelming.

School Bullet Journal Ideas

semester timetable bullet journal
dotted journal ideas for school

Until now, I hope you find a lot of bullet journal page ideas you want to try out.

But what if you’re a student and you need a little bit more specific bujo ideas to organize your school or college life?

Besides the basic bullet journal spreads like key and index, you will find it useful to create suitable layouts for organizing the school year.

Also, I wrote the epic guide on how to start a bullet journal for college students so definitely check it out.

But today I share with you some great bullet journal page ideas for students:

  • Quote of the school year
  • Course Checklist
  • Semester Overview
  • Time table
  • Schedule time grid
  • Class Overview
  • Goals Page
  • Assignment Tracker
  • Reading Tracker
  • Monthly log
  • Weekly Schedule
  • Grades tracker
  • School holidays
  • Study tracker
  • Exams log
  • Attendance tracker
  • Class Notes
  • Project tracker
  • School supplies list
  • Study ideas

Bullet Journal Ideas for Work

goals page bullet journal
bullet journal ideas page

Similar to bullet journaling for students, there are bujo pages dedicated to keeping your business life organized.

Definitely, building up your own company or striving for success in a corporation requires working with your goals and keeping up with the progress.

I tried many planners and nothing worked for me as well as a bullet journal.

So having a place where I can write down all my dreams, plans, thoughts, and tasks enables me to boost productivity, stay focused, and achieve business goals.

I wrote an entire blog post about setting up a bullet journal for work, so check it out.

Because I’m a full-time blogger now, I have also to focus on the business side of blogging like revenue. 

blogging bujo spreads
bullet journal page examples

For this reason, I created a blog post list, blogging goals page, stats tracker, and eventually, income and expenses spread.

Not only do these bullet journal pages help me create the best content for you, but also set blog priorities, and work on my blog monetization.

Below you can find awesome bullet journal page ideas for work:

  • Income and expense tracker
  • Goals map
  • Stats tracker
  • Editorial calendar
  • Instagram tracker
  • Blog Post ideas
  • YouTube video ideas
  • Subscription expirations
  • Taxes
  • Work schedule
  • Sales
  • Future orders
  • New product ideas
  • Training
  • Calls
  • Meeting Schedule
  • Weekly review
  • Year view
  • Email ideas
  • Hashtags
  • Leads
  • Online orders
  • 5 years goals
  • Holidays
  • Deadlines
  • Content updates
  • Accomplishments
  • 5,10,15 minute tasks
  • Contact list
  • Yearly review
  • Urgent important matrix
  • Blog goals
  • Google Analytics stats

Bullet Journal Page Ideas for Self-Care

workout tracker
cute journals ideas

After you organize your family and professional life and cultivate your personal growth, it’s time to relax and think about yourself.

Practicing self-care is so important to all of us.

In fact, it improves all aspects of your life with stress relief, overcoming anxiety, and better feeling.

For instance, you can add to your notebook such bujo pages like:

  • Morning routine
  • Evening routine
  • When I feel sad
  • Things that make me happy
  • Things I am good at
  • Habits I want to develop
  • Gratitude log
  • Worry tree
  • Little happy things
  • Be intentional page
  • Miracle morning routine
  • Ways to love yourself
  • Yoga poses
  • Highlights of your day
  • Rules for Life

Morning Routine

bujo morning routine page
bullet journal sample pages

Undoubtedly, creating a morning routine structures your day from the beginning.

Also, having even the smallest thing done, boosts your productivity for the rest of your day.

Also, putting things you can do in 5,10,15 minutes is so helpful reference, when you have a little time, but don’t know what you can do with it.

Creative Bullet Journal Page Ideas

bullet journal summer tracker ideas
example of bullet journal

So let’s put your pragmatic part of starting a bujo and think about how you can be creative with it.

Definitely, your notebook is a great place for creating funny spreads like make-up swatches, an about me page, or motivational quotes.

  • Title page
  • Favorite dividers
  • Make-up swatches
  • Memories
  • Quotes
  • Doodle how to
  • Theme ideas
  • Lunar calendar
  • About me
  • Washi tape swatches
  • Beauty routine
  • Hand lettering ideas
  • Dream log
  • Remember to Google page
  • Jokes page
  • Donations
  • Coupon codes
  • Wedding planning
  • Doodle a day
  • Bujo theme ideas
  • Holiday planning
  • Star chart
  • Pen test pages
  • Itinerary
  • Joy log
  • Polaroid of the month
  • Crossword page
  • Counting till Christmas
  • Color swatches
  • Lookbook
  • Nail polish swatches
  • One story each day

Bullet Journal Theme Ideas

bullet journal themes
examples of bullet journal

Along with this, the most fun part of bullet journaling is choosing theme ideas.

After watching several “plan with me” YouTube videos, I bet you can’t wait to start a new month.

Basically, you decorate every bujo page with colorful doodles from your monthly theme.

With this in mind, here I put a list of over 150 theme ideas for your bullet journal monthly cover and spreads.

Bullet Journal Doodles & Fonts

bujo title ideas
bullet page
bullet journal banners
ideas bullet journal
bujo headings
bullet journal ideas pages

Also, doodling and lettering are some of the funniest ways to spruce your layouts up.

If you’re wondering how to doodle, my general advice would be to learn to notice basic shapes like squares, circles, and triangles in the item you want to draw, overcome your inner perfectionist, and make it happen.

Firstly, you can begin with something less complicated like bullet journal banners and titles.

fall themes ideas bujo
cute journal pages

Then you start drawing simple but cute doodles using simple step-by-step tutorials.

Additionally, you can decorate your bujo spreads with beautiful lettering. With this in mind, here I gathered some awesome bullet journal font tips and tricks.

Bullet Journal Quote Page

quote page first
bullet journal example pages

After a while, I found lettering to be more enjoyable.

As well as that, designing a bullet journal quote page allows me to practice it regularly.

Besides, looking at inspirational quotes helps me stay motivated and inspired every single day.

Bullet Journal Pages: Printables

As a rule, your life is quite hectic.

Or maybe you’re tight on a budget.

So if you don’t like to spend a lot of time making layouts and investing in pretty pricey supplies, you may want to consider getting bullet journal templates.

Firstly, they’re affordable. Secondly, they’re easy to use.

Basically, all you need to do is glue them into your notebook or put them in a binder.

Above all, planning your busy life ahead should increase your productivity, and not consume a lot of time.

Bullet Journal Page Layouts: Final Thoughts

bullet journal fall doodles
bullet journaling inspiration

Although I include in this blog post over 150 bullet journal page ideas, there are still many options to discover and explore.

Now, you can stop limiting yourself only to basic bullet journal spreads for beginners.

Finally, every bullet journal entry is 100% fitted to you, your lifestyle, and your personality.

Even more – after getting to know some bujo tips and tricks, using a bullet journal as a planner will be so much fun.

What’s Next? Explore Other Bujo Ideas:

Best Bullet Journal Supplies You Need for 2024

How To Create a Minimalist Bullet Journal 2024 Update

Bullet Journal Setup

Bullet Journal Page Ideas – FAQ

What are Your Favorite Page Layout Ideas for Beginners?

In my opinion, for beginners, a great idea is to start with simple but still fun page layouts.

In other words, a minimalist weekly bullet journal layout is a perfect approach to your bujo’s first pages.

If you’re the kind of person who loves playing with different colors, there are many creative ways along the bullet journal community you can get a list of ideas from.

So instead of overthinking your daily pages, focus on the little things that make you happy.

Setting up a weekly log, even with a Dutch door, is a fun way to get organized.

Another good idea to fill your first blank page is by adding index pages.

Undoubtedly, it’s an essential part of the bullet journal method.

Basically, an index page is the best thing to track your bullet journal collections.

Indeed, your future self will thank you.

What are Your Favorite Self-Care Pages?

Among the list of bullet journal ideas for self-care I mentioned above, my favorite one is a gratitude log.

In fact, it’s like a mental note to remind a lot of things that I’m grateful for.

Definitely, this useful spread for mental health is the most important thing to keep in my journal on a regular basis.

Another great thing to have in your bujo is a brain dump page.

For instance, it helps me to clear my mind during a monthly review.

What are Your Favorite Creative Bullet Journal Ideas?

I’d say memory pages and TV show logs.

Although they’re my new bullet journal page ideas,  it’s so much fun setting them up.

For example, playing with photos, tickets, and other props is basically scrapbooking.

However, sometimes it requires too much space.

also, I like keeping track of the current TV shows I’m watching.

There’s something satisfying in it.

What is Your One Go-To Bullet Journal Layout Idea?

When it comes to my one go-to bullet journal spread idea, I can’t imagine my bujo without a goal planner.

Indeed, goal pages allow me to set and track my personal goals for the entire year.

Surely, this spread helps me embrace new things, develop good habits, and reflect on my progress enough times.

So, as the new year approaches, it becomes the next step in setting up a 2024 bullet journal.

What Are Your Favorite Monthly Bullet Journal Ideas?

Last but not least, my favorite monthly bujo pages are a shopping list, a calendar page, a meal planner, and a daily schedule.

I know these pages aren’t very exciting, however, they meet my personal needs 100%.

For example, meal planning allows me to map out what to cook on specific days of the week.

Instead of having a sticky note on my fridge, I can easily organize my weekly meals efficiently.